If you’re going into the auto service industry, you’ll probably be assessing many different kinds of cars for damage, and deciding what the best repair solution will be. Although you might come across them less often than the average vehicle, there’s a good chance that you’ll see a few sports cars during your career. Sports cars can have different servicing demands than the average car, and their requirements are often more expensive. Customers may need a part on their sports car replaced, or may be looking for a solution to a problem with the vehicle.
As an auto service advisor, it’s your job to look at the car, come up with the best possible solution, and give the customer an estimate of how much it’s going to cost them. However, it’s helpful to know what to tell a customer who may be frustrated with the expenses, or may be looking to know how to keep their sports car in good condition. Here are a few tips and tricks for keeping sports car-owning customers satisfied and informed.
Sports Car Maintenance Tips for Those in Auto Service Programs
Clear communication is very important to professionals with service advisor training. When communicating with clients about their sports cars, it’s important to emphasize that a few services may be different, or may be more important to maintain or keep an eye on. When sports cars need to be repaired, they’re typically much more expensive to fix—not to mention the higher costs for fuel consumption, insurance premiums, and more. To keep customers happy, you should have a few tips and tricks prepared to let customers know what they need to do in order to keep their vehicle running smoothly.
Sports Cars Should Be Kept Clean
For one, it’s important for sports car owners to know that they need to keep their cars extra clean to avoid unnecessary damage. Making sure that a sports car stays clean through frequent waxing and washing will prevent the onset of rust and damage to paintwork. Additionally, sports car owners should take care to ensure that their undercarriage and wheel wells are free from debris. This is especially important for sports cars as they tend to be built closer to the ground, and therefore have a higher chance of attracting debris from roads. If customers know to keep these parts of their sports car maintained, they’ll avoid unnecessary repairs and damage due to corrosion and rust.
High Speeds Can Damage Tires
Sports car owners should also know that the tires of their sports car may need extra care. During your service advisor career, you’ll come to understand this because sports cars are usually driven at much higher speeds than other cars, which will eventually have an adverse effect on their tires. Advise customers to look at the tire pressure and tread depth regularly, and after 8,000 to 13,000 km, tires should be rotated or replaced in order to avoid more serious and costly damages.
Sports Car Drivers Should Monitor Fluid Levels
Lastly, sports car drivers should keep in mind that their fluids must be checked regularly—if not more regularly—than the average car. Because sports cars are such high-performance cars, it’s important for owners to ensure that their vehicles are properly equipped with the right fluids to ensure that they can run safely. Remind owners to make a regular habit of checking their oil, coolant, power steering fluid, and brake fluid. Additionally, sports car owners should know what kind of coolant is right for their car to avoid damage and overheating.
Ultimately, because sports cars are so expensive to repair, it’s good to keep customers happy by keeping them informed on how to care for their vehicle. This will increase your value as a trusted service advisor, and will keep customers coming back for repairs and advice.
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