5 Questions Graduates of Auto Mechanic School Can Expect From Their Future Customers

When you work in the auto industry, your clients are going to have lots of questions. It’s important for any client to develop a strong rapport with their mechanic, and one that ensures they’re getting the best possible service for their car. 

Regardless of the nature of the repairs and maintenance, clients need reassurance that it’s going to be done correctly, that it won’t be too expensive, and that they will get the service they need.

Clients need to trust you to be able to provide them with the right advice for their vehicles, so it’s important to know how best to answer certain questions. Here are five you can expect to hear a lot during your career.

“My Car is (Insert Issue Here). What’s the Problem?”

As you can imagine, one of the very first questions you can expect to be asked is what is wrong with the client’s car. They will explain to you the symptoms their car is experiencing, and it’s then your responsibility to inspect the vehicle to understand why these issues are occurring. The client will likely want to see which part is faulty, so be sure to show them.

Inspect the vehicle and show clients what the problem is

“Do You Have a Written Cost Estimate for My Car?”

Regardless of the exact issue with their vehicle, clients are likely going to want to know how much it’s going to cost them, whether it’s a fixed rate or an hourly one. Therefore, they could ask you for a written estimate outlining what needs to get done, and how much it’s going to set their wallet back. By doing this, you will give them a rundown of what they can expect from the job done on their car.

“What Options Do I Have for My Repairs?”

As much as there may be one dominant problem within a car that necessitates it being serviced, any student doing their auto mechanic training should understand that there are often multiple options for fixing it. 

Run your clients through all of the potential solutions available, and give them the opportunity to make the most informed choice possible — whether it’s an extensive repair or a simple tune-up.

“What’s the Warranty?” is Another Question Automotive School Grads Can Expect

The parts and labour for repairs are likely to come with a warranty, though labour warranties tend to not last as long as parts warranties. Either way, clients will want to know that their repairs will have guarantees attached to them, especially since the nature of those guarantees can vary between repair shops. Automotive school students should understand that clients will want assurance about warranties before any repairs even begin, so make sure you tell them early in the process.

Clients will also want to know about the warranties for parts and labour

“Can I Choose the Parts Used for the Repairs?”

Lastly, the client may want to have a say with regards to what parts are used for the repairs. You could suggest they go with a used part, depending on if it works best for the repairs, is significantly cheaper than a new part, and is in good condition. However, in certain situations you may need to recommend ordering brand new parts, even if this is significantly more expensive. 

For some repairs, you may also have a choice between using Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts and aftermarket parts made by different companies. While it may be wise to give clients the choice between different options, be sure to offer your own advice based on your knowledge and experience. It may end up saving them more money and hassle in the long run.  

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