5 Must-Have Safety Tips for Working with Automotive Electrical Systems Once You Become an Auto Technician
The ability to work with automotive electrical systems is an important part of every auto technician’s job. However, it can also be one of the more complex and risky tasks you will face. The best way for auto technicians to have long, successful careers in the industry while doing this type of work is to always put safety first.
How is this done? Keep reading for a few tips you can keep in mind along with the rigorous safety training you will have received in your auto mechanic program.
1. Know the Risks of Electrical Hazards When You Become an Auto Technician
It is a lot easier to abide by safety standards if you understand what they are meant to prevent. Electrical safety is largely in place to prevent an event in which your body or the body of another person completes an electrical circuit, which is what leads to electricity-related injuries.
Like water, most metals, and several other materials, the human body can conduct electricity, which puts us as at risk. Exposure to electrical currents can result in four main types of injuries: painful electric shocks, electrical burns, fatal electrocution, and falls caused by any of the above. To avoid these nasty results, abiding by electrical safety principles is a must.
2. Avoid Water and Other Conducting Materials When Working With Electricity
As you become an auto technician, one factor that increases the likelihood of you becoming a part of an electric circuit is contact with conducting materials, such as water or metal. Never do electrical work with wet hands, and survey your surroundings for puddles or unusual moisture before beginning your work. When working with metal, be sure to use tools with insulating materials like rubber, as well as protective and insulated gloves and eyewear, to avoid accidentally coming into contact with electrical currents.
3. Graduates of Mechanic Training Programs Know to Disconnect Power Sources
Once you have a safe environment and the right tools, make sure you have de-energized the engine or piece of machinery that you are working with. De-energizing involves the obvious step of simply unplugging or turning off the power source. However, you should also use a specialized tester in order to make sure there is no additional electricity flowing through the circuit before you begin handling wires.
4. For an Auto Technician, Electrical Safety Is Also Fire Safety
During your mechanic training program, you will learn that smoking on the job is incredibly dangerous, as gasoline and many other fluids involved in vehicle work and repair are extremely flammable. While the fire hazard of electrical work is not nearly as high as with smoking, you should be similarly cautious when doing electrical work near flammable materials, as sparks can fly—especially when other electrical safety standards are neglected. Make sure you are working in a well-ventilated area, and that you know where the fire extinguisher in your work station is. In the unusual event that something catches aflame, you need to be ready to act fast and put it out immediately!
5. Do Not Use Devices With Frayed Cords or Wires During Auto Work
Finally, electrical safety applies not only to the electrical system that you are working on, but also to the devices you are using. Make sure that you assess the cords on your equipment for damage, and either repair or discard equipment with exposed wires. Working with compromised equipment puts you at risk for electrical injury, but these simple precautions can help you achieve the peace of mind you need to focus on your work.
Are you ready for a safe and skilled career as an auto technician?
Contact us at the Automotive Training Centre to learn how you can enroll in mechanic school in Toronto.