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  • Description

This program is led by knowledgeable instructors with many years of experience in the industry, ensuring that class time provides hands-on, practical training in a real-world repair shop environment. This approach helps develop the confidence and experience needed to break into the industry, diagnosing and repairing many different makes of automobiles. ATC’s Automotive Technology program was approved as a vocational program under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005.

Key elements of ATC’s Automotive Technology training program include:

  • Introduction to the Automotive Industry and Shop Safety
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Service Wheels, Tires, Hubs and Bearings
  • Operation & Service Hydraulic Brake Systems
  • Operation and Servicing of Hydraulic Brake Systems
  • Operation & Service Suspension Systems
  • Operation & Service Steering Systems
  • And much more

Request your free automotive career information package today to take advantage of exiting career opportunities in automotive technology.

Geno-Flecher Dinelle Auto Mechanic

Mon passage à l’École de l’Automobile a été une expérience des plus positives. Ceci m’a permis d’atteindre mon objectif tout de suite à la fin de mon cours en obtenant un emploi en mécanique automobile.

Mon expérience a été enrichissante également sur le plan humain. J’ai grandi à travers ma formation et j’y ai même gagné d’excellents amis. Je suis maintenant un nouveau papa bien outillé pour relever mes nouvelles responsabilités

Geno-Flecher Dinelle ,gradué en mécanique automobile

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