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Refinishing Prep & Auto Body Technician

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  • Description

The Refinishing Prep & Auto Body Technician program at the Surrey Automotive Training Centre is the perfect career training program for those with a true passion for cars. The program is designed to provide students with practical, hands-on training in a real auto body repair shop environment. This learning approach ensures that graduates will be prepared to step directly into the workforce.

ATC Surrey’s Refinishing Prep & Auto Body Technician can help you take advantage of the fact that:

  • Technicians make between $40,000 and $56,000 per year
  • Custom paint and auto body modifications is one of the fastest growing areas of labour hours in the automotive sector
  • Statistics Canada has indicated that 96% of those employed in automotive painting and auto bodywork are experiencing earnings growth and working full time

Request your free automotive career information package today to take advantage of exciting career opportunities as a refinishing prep and auto body technician.

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Maciej Buczek

I wanted to try this before; I actually had an ATC flyer and was looking into it. I had a secure job that paid well with union benefits. I got laid off with all the cutbacks that were happening. So I thought ok well I always wanted to try this so this was the time and I’ve loved ever since.

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