Say Hello to Cindy McGhie

My name is Cindy McGhie and I graduated from the Automotive Training Centre in June of 2011. I was sponsored by the Upper Nicola Indian Band in Merritt, BC for the Automotive Service Operations program.

When I began my training, I had no knowledge of any aspect of the automotive industry, and I was concerned that I would not be able to successfully complete my training. I wanted to learn a trade, however, and I found the subject matter interesting, so I decided to go ahead.

Now that I have completed the program, I feel that I have done the best thing I could have for my future. This program, and the confidence that I gained from it, has opened doors to a new career that I am excited to begin.

The staff and instructors at the Automotive Training Centre were supportive and helpful, and made me feel like I was able to succeed. The program itself was informative and taught in a way that ensured that even with no knowledge of the industry, I was able to get a comprehensive education and enter the workforce knowing I have the skills required to do the job.

Best Regards,
Cindy McGhie,
Automotive Service Advisor

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