Preparing Vehicles for the Showroom: A Guide for Those in Professional Automotive Detailing

auto detailing

Cars displayed on the showroom floor are next level perfect. Whether you’re detailing for the showroom or just to please your pickiest client, you need to know exactly what you’re doing. As an expert in detailing, you can even turn low-value cars into reconditioned vehicles with amazing aesthetics. 

It’s important to take the extra time and care when detailing to make sure you’re getting the best results. A quick, rushed job will show, and will definitely leave customers dissatisfied. Read on for a guide on everything you need to do to get that car showroom ready.

Complete a Careful Hand Wash for the Cleanest Base 

A wash is a must when detailing, but you need to be careful here. If the wash is sloppy, you won’t be able to make up for it with the rest of the process. When washing the car, do so by hand and get into every nook and cranny. A regular wash wouldn’t get those hard to reach areas, so be sure to take your time and don’t leave any crack untouched. Get in with the grime, tackling the dirtiest parts first such as the engine and wheels.

You also want to take into consideration the type of finish on the car during your auto detailing career, since the finish may require a special type of washing method, depending on whether it’s nano-ceramic coating or something else. When drying the car, be sure to do so out of the sunlight and away from  extreme heat, which will dry the water too quickly and leave  unwanted watermarks. Once you’ve gotten rid of all of the dirt and grime and dried the car without leaving any streaks, you’re ready to move on.

auto detailing career
Car washing by hand will give you the best results for a full auto detailing job

Start Your Auto Detailing with a Polish

It’s a great idea to invest in a dual action polisher for your auto detailing that will save you time and remove any imperfections that may have been left behind by your wash job. This handheld polisher will help you reach any below-surface flaws and maximize the depth of the shine Additionally, it will save you some time, as it works the polish into the paintwork instead of requiring you to buff it off.

If you don’t have access to a dual action polisher, you can most definitely still get a great polish by hand. Simply apply the polishing compound to a microfibre cloth and work it into the paint. Work your way around the car in small sections, using circular motions until only a thin film remains. Then, quickly buff the remaining residue before it dries, leaving it with the perfect shine.

professional automotive detailing
A dual action polisher can save you time and provide a deeper shine than a hand polishing job

Wax the Exterior and Don’t Neglect the Interior

The final job for the exterior is the wax job, which you can do right away once the polish is complete. This will add a layer of protection to the car to shield the paint job from UV rays, dirt, sap and more. A great wax job may take some time, but will give the long-lasting shine your customer is expecting. Wax the car using the same small circular motions as you did with the polish, and remove the wax by buffing it off with a clean cloth, one small section at a time.

Finally, don’t neglect the interior even though you’re done with the exterior! Combine dressings, cleaner and protectant throughout the interior for a clean and shiny finish that is long lasting. 

Excited to get started in professional automotive detailing?

Contact ATC Toronto for more information!

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