ATC at Divisional Day
This Divisional Day session is for all Government staff in the Post-secondary Education Division of the MTCU.
Those that contributed to showcasing our programs were our well-respected Automotive Technology students Michelle Szyller, Frances Petterson and Lincoln Cantong. They did a fabulous job sharing their personal student experiences, and with the assistance of our honoured AST instructor Paul McArthur, also showcased a valve assembly on an engine block. Some of the participants even received hands-on instruction!
Our beloved Admissions Rep Donna Campbell and Campus Director Don Pannunzio fielded program-specific questions, and showcased our ARGO software.
This is a significant milestone for the ATC brand, as we were acknowledged as one of the leading Private Career Colleges in trades by the MTCU.
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the ATC Team for making this event a memorable one.