ATC at Divisional Day

Automotive Training Centres (ATC) was honoured to be one of eight career colleges selected by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) to showcase our programs on Divisional Day, which took place on Thursday, April 28, 2016.

This Divisional Day session is for all Government staff in the Post-secondary Education Division of the MTCU.
Those that contributed to showcasing our programs were our well-respected Automotive Technology students Michelle Szyller, Frances Petterson and Lincoln Cantong. They did a fabulous job sharing their personal student experiences, and with the assistance of our honoured AST instructor Paul McArthur, also showcased a valve assembly on an engine block. Some of the participants even received hands-on instruction!

Our beloved Admissions Rep Donna Campbell and Campus Director Don Pannunzio fielded program-specific questions, and showcased our ARGO software.

This is a significant milestone for the ATC brand, as we were acknowledged as one of the leading Private Career Colleges in trades by the MTCU.

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the ATC Team for making this event a memorable one.







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