A Guide to Paint Surface Repair for Those in Auto Detailing Training

Not only does a car’s paint coat make it look shiny and colorful, but it also serves a functional purpose. A car’s paint protects it from rust, and when it’s compromised, a vehicle’s body is susceptible to serious damage. 

A car’s paint surface can begin to deteriorate for several reasons, including paint oxidation, pebbles that cause paint chips, and even exposure to bird droppings. Add the possibility of scratching and nicking, and there’s a high chance that plenty of drivers will need their paint surface redone at some point.

If you’re considering a career in auto detailing, you may be wondering what paint surface repair involves, what sort of techniques are used, and what tools are required. Take a look at our brief guide below!

Steps to Follow After Auto Detailing Training 

For any repair, it’s important to have a checklist in mind to guide you through the process until it becomes second nature. Try following these steps for surface preparation to avoid forgetting anything important:

  • Paint Surface Condition Assessment: before you begin the painting process, it’s essential to evaluate the painted surface in order to decide what approach to use. After auto detailing training, you’ll want to use standards such as the BS EN ISO 8501-1 to assess the degree of rusting and decide your next steps. 
  • Removing Old Surface Paint and Contaminants: without properly removing old coats or contaminants, you run the risk of allowing pre-existing problems–like flaking, peeling, and bubbling–to persist. 
  • Profiling the Surface: profiling a surface involves roughening it to accommodate better paint adhesion. 
  • Dry the Surface: before you start painting the vehicle, it’s important that it’s well-dried, as paint responds best to dry surfaces. When moisture is trapped under the paint, corrosion can occur.
During your auto detailing career, preparing a surface will be an extremely important step.

Common Paint Surface Repair Techniques 

After you’ve completed your preparation, it’s time to start repairing. Be sure to use the appropriate strategy to deal with the type of damage on a given project. 

If rust is the problem, for example, use a bottle of rust converter on a foam brush and apply a thin layer to the problem area. Apply several coats with appropriate drying time in between. For small scratches, fine-pointed paint pens are an easy option. Often time paint syringes are also used for increased precision. Paint guns are used to repaint larger areas. After applying several even coats, be sure to buff and polish the surface for a smooth and shiny finish.

During your auto detailing career, be sure to create a good finish with buffing and polishing.

Tools to Use for Paint Surface Repair 

Throughout your auto detailing career, you’ll need access to a variety of tools and equipment, like paint thickness gauges, paint-friendly cleaners, polishes, glazes, and paint application tools. In addition, when dealing with any toxic chemicals, be sure to wear the appropriate PPE to avoid breathing in any fumes. 

In our auto detailing program, you’ll receive an introduction to professional auto detailing and several techniques for interior and exterior reconditioning. Auto detailing is a lucrative and enjoyable career in the automotive industry, and we can help you find success.

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