Rey Bonda Automotive Service Technician
Today is a bittersweet day for me as I leave the Automotive Training Centre and walk into my future. I attended the Automotive Service Technician Foundation program, and though the 42 weeks seemed long at times, I feel that the training I received and the report I had with my classmates has improved me as a person and a mechanic.
There are many jobs in the industry looking for qualified technicians, and I know that I can be one of them with the skills that I learned here. I had the best instructor, and all of the staff was helpful, cheerful and I felt always there to assist me in my journey.
As I head into the future of my life, with a new baby on the way, and a great career choice under my belt, I am feeling very trained, skilled, positive and very, very happy.
My best to ATC!
Rey Bonda